@conference {Goncalves:2009, title = {Pluggable Parallelization}, booktitle = {HPDC {\textquoteright}09: Proceedings of the 18th ACM international symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing}, year = {2009}, month = {June}, pages = {11{\textendash}20}, address = {Garching near Munich, Germany}, abstract = {

This paper presents the concept of pluggable parallelisation that allows scientists to develop {\textquotedblleft}sequential like{\textquotedblright} codes that can take advantage of multi-core, cluster and grid systems. In this approach parallel applications are developed by plugging parallelisation patterns/idioms into scientific codes (e.g., {\textquotedblleft}sequential like{\textquotedblright} codes), softening the move from sequential to parallel programming and promoting the separation between domain specific code and parallelisation issues. Pluggable parallelisation combines three characteristics: 1) parallelisation is performed from {\textquotedblleft}outside to inside{\textquotedblright}, localising parallelisation concerns into well defined modules, reducing changes required to the domain specific code and avoiding invasive parallelisation of base code; 2) control view is separated from data view promoting a stronger separation of concerns which improves reuse of parallelisation concerns across platforms and enables fine-grained refinements; and 3) abstractions can be composed, supporting the development of more complex patterns based on fine-grained features. This paper presents the concept of pluggable parallelisation and shows how some well-known parallelisation strategies can be implemented in this approach. Results show that this is a feasible approach and performance is competitive with traditional parallel programming.

}, attachments = {https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/rcgoncalves/files/goncalves-2009.pdf}, author = {Rui C. Gon{\c c}alves and Jo{\~a}o L. Sobral} }