
Workshop on the Future of Alloy

The TRUST team has presented its work at the Workshop on the Future of Alloy.

Best Students programme

We've just received the students from the Best Students programme at UMinho 2017 at our laboratory.

New MSc's

Eduardo Pessoa and José Pereira have successfully defended their MSc theses on trustworthy software design.

TRUST Kickoff

The TRUST project has just kicked off with a joint workshop with the DALI project.

Paper accepted at MEDI

Our paper on a formalization of ETL patterns has been accepted at the International Conference on Model and Data Engineering (MEDI).

Paper accepted at FSE

Our paper on a temporal extension to the Alloy language has been accepted at the ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE).

TRUST recommended for funding

Our project on trustworthy software design has been recommended for funding.

Paper at F1000Research

Our paper on an ORCID-based synchronization framework has been accepted at F1000Research in the ORCID-Casrai joint conference channel.

Paper accepted at FASE

Our paper on scenario exploration has been accepted at the 18th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE).

Paper accepted at SoSyM

Our paper on least-change bidirectional model transformations has been accepted at the Springer's International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM).