
I'm a post-doctoral researcher at HASLab, INESC TEC's unit focused on high-assurance software development, at the University of Minho, Portugal, studying and developing formal techniques for software engineering.

I've completed my joint PhD degree on computer science from the Universities of Minho, Aveiro and Porto, on a "Relational Approach to Bidirectional Transformation" under the supervision of Professor Alcino Cunha. Previously I've completed the Master degree on computer engineering, at the University of Minho.

My main research interest lies in trustworthy software design, particularly in the application of lightweight formal methods to Software Engineering. Electrum and its Analyzer, an extension to the Alloy specification language, have been designed precisely for this goal. Checkout the answer to the ABZ18 call for case study contributions to have an idea of its power. We've also applied such techniques in consultancy projects, like the PTCRIS project commissioned by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology.