@conference {capi, title = {CAPI: Cloud Computing API}, booktitle = {Simp{\'o}sio de Inform{\'a}tica - INForum}, year = {2009}, month = {September}, pages = {499{\textendash}502}, publisher = {Faculdade de Ci{\^e}ncias da Universidade de Lisboa}, organization = {Faculdade de Ci{\^e}ncias da Universidade de Lisboa}, address = {Lisbon, Portugal}, abstract = {

Cloud Computing is an emerging business model to provide access to IT resources in a pay per use fashion. Those resources range from low-level virtual machines, passing by application platforms and ending in ready to use software delivered through the Internet, creating a layered stack of differentiated services. Different cloud vendors tend to specialize in different levels, offering different services each with its own proprietary API. This clearly led to provider lock-in and hinders the portability of a given application between different providers. The goal of this paper is therefore to provide an abstraction of the different levels of services in order to reduce vendor lock-in and improve portability, two issues that we believe impair the adoption of the Cloud Computing model.

}, isbn = {978-972-9348-18-1}, attachments = {https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/mmatos/files/inforum-capi.pdf}, author = {Bruno Costa and Miguel Matos and Ant{\'o}nio Luis Sousa} }