@mastersthesis {FradeMJ:typbtrdcs, title = {Type-Based Termination of Recursive Definitions and Constructor Subtyping in Typed Lambda Calculi}, year = {2004}, month = {March}, school = {University of Minho}, type = {PhD Thesis}, address = {Braga, Portugal}, abstract = {

In type systems, a combination of subtyping and overloading is a way to achieve more precise typings. This thesis explores how to use these mechanisms in two directions: (i) as a way to ensure termination of recursive functions; (ii) as a way to capture in a type-theoretic context the use of subtyping as inclusion between inductively defined sets.
The first part of the thesis presents a mechanism that ensures termination through types and defines a system that incorporates it. More precisely, we formalize the notion of type-based termination using a restricted form of type dependency (also known as indexed types). Every datatype is replaced by a family of approximations indexed over a set of stages; then being in a certain approximation means that a term can be seen as having a certain bound on constructor usage. We introduce λ{\textasciicircum}, a simply typed λ-calculus {\`a} la Curry, supporting parametric inductive datatypes, case-expressions and letrec-expressions with termination ensured by types. We show that λ{\textasciicircum} enjoys important meta-theoretical properties, including confluence, subject reduction and strong normalization. We also show that the calculus is powerful enough to encode many recursive definitions rejected by existing type systems, and give some examples. We prove that this system encompasses in a strict way Gim{\'e}nez{\textquoteright} λς, a system in which termination of typable expressions is ensured by a syntactical condition constraining the uses of recursive calls in the body of definitions.
The second part of the thesis studies properties of a type system featuring constructor subtyping. Constructor subtyping is a form of subtyping in which an inductive type σ is viewed as a subtype of another inductive type τ if each constructor c of σ is also a constructor of τ (but τ may have more constructors), and whenever c : θ{\textquoteright}{\textrightarrow}σ is a declaration for τ, then c : θ{\textquoteright}{\textrightarrow}τ is a declaration for τ with θ{\textquoteright}{\textrightarrow}<=θ{\textquoteright}. In this thesis we allow for this form of subtyping in the system λcs, which is a simply typed λ-calculus {\`a} la Curry, supporting mutually recursive parametric datatypes, case-expressions and letrec-expressions. We establish the properties of confluence, subject reduction and decidability of type checking for this calculus. As the system features general recursion, the reduction calculus is obviously non-terminating. However, we sketch two ways of achieving strong normalization. One way is to constrain the system to guard-by-destructors recursion, following what is done for λς. The other way is to enrich the type system with stages (following the ideas presented for λ{\textasciicircum}) and enforcing termination through typing. Potential uses of constructor subtyping include proof assistants and functional programming languages. In particular, constructor subtyping provides a suitable foundation for extensible datatypes, and is specially adequate to re-usability. The combination of subtyping between datatypes and overloading of constructors allows the definition of new datatypes by restricting or by expanding the set of constructors of an already defined datatype. This flexibility in the definition of datatypes induces a convenient form of code reuse for recursive functions, allowing the definition of new functions by restricting or by expanding already defined ones. We enrich a calculus featuring constructor subtyping with a mechanism to define extensible overloaded recursive functions by pattern-matching, obtaining the system λcs+fun. We formalize the concept of well-formed environment of function declarations and establish that under such environments the properties of confluence, subject reduction and decidability of type-checking hold. Moreover, we prove that the requirements imposed for the well-formed environments are decidable and show how standard techniques can still be used for compiling pattern-matching into case-expressions.

}, attachments = {https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/mjf/files/thesis.pdf}, author = {Maria Jo{\~a}o Frade} }