%0 Conference Paper %B 2nd International Conference on Dependability (DEPEND09) %D 2009 %T Modelling and Evaluation of a Game-Theory Approach for Airborne Conflict Resolution in Omnet++ %A Paolo Masci %A Alessandra Tedeschi %I IEEE Computer Society %P 162–165 %R http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/DEPEND.2009.31 %X

Airborne self-separation is an air-traffic management concept in which pilots are allowed to select the optimal route for the aircraft in real time. In such environments, pilots are assisted by an airborne system that detects possible route conflicts with neighbouring aircraft and gives advice for maneuvering solutions to avoid conflicts. In this paper, we evaluate a game-theory approach for conflict resolutions between aircraft.We modelled the aircraft in a well established simulation framework. Preliminary results give an insight into the dependability of the approach when dealing with the lossy nature of the wireless environment.

%@ 978-0-7695-3666-8