@conference {masci-ICTS16, title = {Modeling Communication Network Requirements for an Integrated Clinical Environment in the Prototype Verification System}, booktitle = {ICTS4eHealth - 1st IEEE Workshop on ICT solutions for eHealth}, year = {2016}, publisher = {IEEE}, organization = {IEEE}, abstract = {

Health care practices increasingly rely on complex technological infrastructure, and new approaches to the integration of information and communication technology in those practices lead to the development of such concepts as integrated clinical environments and smart intensive care units. These concepts refer to hospital settings where therapy relies heavily on inter-operating medical devices, supervised by clinicians assisted by advanced monitoring and coordinating software. In order to ensure safety and effectiveness of patient care, it is necessary to specify the requirements of such socio-technical systems in the most rigorous and precise way. This paper presents an approach to the formalization of system requirements for communication networks deployed in integrated clinical environment, based on the higher-order logic language of a theorem-proving environment, the Prototype Verification System. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ISCC.2016.7543728

}, attachments = {https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/masci/files/masci-icts4ehealth-cr.pdf}, author = {Cinzia Bernardeschi and Andrea Domenici and Paolo Masci} }