@conference {1522, title = {Reasoning about complex requirements in a uniform setting}, booktitle = {Third International Congress on Tools for Teaching Logic - TICTIL}, year = {2011}, month = {June}, address = {Salamanca, Spain}, abstract = {

The paper formulates HEQ, an institution for hybrid equational logic to provide a uniform setting to express and reasoning about di ferent sorts of properties of complex software. It is also shown how, through the de nition of a suitable comorphism to FOL, this can be integrated in Hets, providing suitable tool support for teaching and research. The whole exercise was motivated by the need to unify, in a single under-graduate course in a Computer Science curriculum, the speci cation of data and behavioural constraints of recon gurable systems.

}, attachments = {https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/madeira/files/racrus.pdf}, author = {M. Martins and Alexandre Madeira and Luis Soares Barbosa} }