@conference {1517, title = {Towards a Semantics for Infinitary Equational Hybrid Logic}, booktitle = { Advances in Modal Logic - AiML}, year = {2012}, month = {August}, address = {Copenhagen, Denmark}, abstract = {

This work-in-progress paper reports some introductory steps towards a theory of infinitary equational hybrid logic. This logic seems appropriate to express properties of reconfigurable agent systems that behave differently in different modes of operation. Its semantics is obtained by endowing worlds in standard Kripke frames with algebras, each of them modelling a local configuration. The paper introduces a number of preliminary results on this semantics, including a discussion of a suitable notion of bisimulation by generalizing standard invariance results to this broad setting.

}, attachments = {https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/madeira/files/aiml12_tiehl.pdf}, author = {M. Martins and Alexandre Madeira and Luis Soares Barbosa} }