%0 Conference Paper %B Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Collaboration and Technology - CRIWG %D 2013 %T Integrating formal and informal learning through a FLOSS-based innovative approach %A Sara Fernandes %A M. Martinho %A Luis Soares Barbosa %A António Cerone %E Pedro Antunes %E Marco Aurélio Gerosa %E Allan Sylvester %E Julita Vassileva %E Gert-Jan de Vreede %C New Zealand, UK %P 208-214 %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 8224 %X

It is said that due to the peculiar dynamics of FLOSS communities and their projects, effective participation in them is a privileged way to acquire the relevant skills and expertise in FLOSS development. Such is probably the reason for a number of higher education institutions to include in their curricula in Software Engineering some form of contact with the FLOSS reality. This paper explores such a perspective through an on-going case study on university students collaboration in FLOSS projects. The aim of this research is to 1) identify what should be learnt about software development through regular participation in a FLOSS project/community, and 2) assess the didactic potential of this kind of non-standard learning experiences. To this aim we resorted to a participatory research action approach and qualitative methods, namely case studies combining direct observation and interviews.

%8 October %> https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/lsb/files/fmbc13-criwg.pdf