@article {oba15, title = {Self-adaptation by coordination-targeted reconfigurations}, journal = {Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development}, volume = {3}, year = {2015}, note = {


}, pages = {2-31}, publisher = {Springer}, abstract = {

Background: A software system is self-adaptive when it is able to dynamically and autonomously respond to changes detected either in its internal components or in its deployment environment. This response is expected to ensure the continuous availability of the system by maintaining its functional and non-functional requirements.

Methods: Since these systems are usually distributed, coordination middleware (typically a centralised architectural entity) plays a definitive role in establishing the system goals. For these reasons, adaptations may be triggered at coordination level, issuing reconfigurations to such a coordination entity. However, predicting when exactly reconfigurations are needed, and if they will lead the system into a non disruptive configuration, is still an issue at this level. This paper builds on a framework for formal verification of architectural requirements, either from a qualitative or quantitative (probabilistic) point of view, which will leverage analysis and adaptation prediction.

Results: In order to address the mentioned difficulties, it is discussed both a model that lays down reconfiguration strategies, planned at design time, and a process that actively uses such a model to trigger coordination-targeted reconfigurations at run time. Moreover, a cloud-based architecture for the implementation of this strategy is proposed, as an attempt to deliver adaptation as a service. A case study is presented that assesses the suitability of the approach for real-world software systems.

Conclusions: We highlight the use of formal models to represent the coordination layer and necessary reconfigurations of a software system, and also to predict the need for (and to trigger) adaptations.

}, doi = {10.1186/s40411-015-0021-2}, attachments = {https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/lsb/files/oba15-1.pdf}, author = {Nuno Oliveira and Luis Soares Barbosa} }