@article {BM12, title = {A Calculus for Generic, QoS-Aware Component Composition}, journal = {Mathematics in Computer Science}, volume = {6}, number = {4}, year = {2012}, pages = {475-497}, abstract = {

Software QoS properties, such as response time, availability, bandwidth requirement, memory usage, among many others, play a major role in the processes of selecting and composing software components. This paper extends a component calculus to deal, in an effective way, with them. The calculus models components as generalised Mealy machines, i.e., state-based entities interacting along their life time through well defined interfaces of observers and actions. QoS is introduced through an algebraic structure specifying the relevant QoS domain and how its values are composed under different disciplines. A major effect of introducing QoS-awareness is that a number of equivalences holding in the plain calculus become refinement laws. The paper also introduces a prototyper for the calculus developed as a {\textquoteleft}proof-of-concept{\textquoteright} implementation.

}, attachments = {https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/lsb/files/bm2012_1.pdf}, author = {Luis Soares Barbosa and Sun Meng} }