@conference {BBR10, title = {Revisiting context-aware component interconnection}, booktitle = {12th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing - SYNASC }, year = {2010}, month = {September }, pages = {377-384}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, organization = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Timisoara, Romania}, abstract = {

Software connectors are external coordination devices which ensure the flow of data and enforce synchronization constraints within a component{\textquoteright}s network. The specification of software connectors through which context dependent behaviour is correctly propagated remains an open, non trivial issue in their semantics. This paper, building on previous work by the authors, revisits this problem and introduces a model in which context awareness is suitably handled.

}, attachments = {https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/lsb/files/synasc10-bbr.pdf}, author = {Luis Soares Barbosa and Marco Barbosa and C. Rodrigues}, editor = {V. Negru and T. Jebelean and D. Pectu and D. Zaharie} }