@conference {BB04b, title = {Specifying Software Connectors}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 1st International ColloquiumTheoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC }, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {3407}, year = {2004}, month = {September}, pages = {53{\textendash}68}, publisher = {Springer}, organization = {Springer}, address = {Guiyang, China}, abstract = {

Orchestrating software components, often from independent suppliers, became a central concern in software construction. Actually, as relevant as components themselves, are the ways in which they can be put together to interact and cooperate in order to achieve some common goal. Such is the role of the so-called software connectors: external coordination devices which ensure the flow of data and enforce synchronization constraints within a component{\textquoteright}s network. This paper introduces a new model for software connectors, based on relations extended in time, which aims to provide support for light inter-component dependency and effective external control.

}, attachments = {https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/lsb/files/bb04ictac_lsb.pdf}, author = {Manuel Bernardo Barbosa and Luis Soares Barbosa}, editor = {K. Araki and Zhiming Liu} }