@conference {RB03, title = {On the Specification of a Component Repository}, booktitle = {1st International Workshop on Formal Approaches to Component Software - FACS}, year = {2003}, month = {October}, pages = {47{\textendash}62}, publisher = {UNU-IIST}, organization = {UNU-IIST}, address = {Hanoi, Vietnam}, abstract = {

The lack of a commonly accepted de nition of a software component, the proliferation of competing {\textquoteleft}standards{\textquoteright} and component frameworks, is here to stay, raising the fundamental question in component based development of how to cope in practice with heterogeneity. This paper reports on the design of a Component Repository aimed to give at least a partial answer to the above question. The repository was fully speci ed in Vdm and a working prototype is currently being used in an industrial environment.

}, attachments = {https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/lsb/files/rb03.pdf}, author = {Nuno Rodrigues and Luis Soares Barbosa}, editor = {Dang Van Hung and Zhiming Liu} }