@conference {1676, title = {Programming from Galois connections}, booktitle = {RAMiCS - 12th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science}, year = {2011}, month = {May}, address = {Rotterdam, The Netherlands}, abstract = {

Problem statements often resort to superlatives such as in the longest such list{\textquotedblright} which lead to specifications made of two parts: one defining a broad class of solutions (the easy part) and the other requesting one particular such solution optimal in some sense (the hard part).
This report introduces a binary relational combinator which mirrors thi linguistic structure and exploits its potential for calculating programs by optimization. This applies in particular to specifications written in the form of Galois connections, in which one of the adjoints delivers the optimal solution. The framework encompasses re-factoring of results previously developed by by Bird and de Moor for greedy and dynamic programming, in away which makes them less technically involved and therefore easier to understand and play with.

}, author = {Jos{\'e} Nuno Oliveira and S. Mu} }