@inbook {1864, title = {Recounting the Rationals: Twice!}, booktitle = {Mathematics of Program Construction (LNCS 5133)}, year = {2008}, publisher = {Springer}, organization = {Springer}, abstract = {

We derive an algorithm that enables the rationals to be efficiently enumerated in two different ways. One way is known and is credited to Moshe Newman; it corresponds to a deforestation of the so-called Calkin-Wilf tree of rationals. The second is new and corresponds to a deforestation of the Stern-Brocot tree of rationals. We show that both enumerations stem from the same simple algorithm. In this way, we construct a Stern-Brocot enumeration algorithm with the same time and space complexity as Newman{\textquoteright}s algorithm.

}, author = {Roland Backhouse and Jo{\~a}o F. Ferreira} }