%0 Generic %D 1994 %T Automatic Generation of User Interfaces at Prototype Level %A José Creissac Campos %A F. Martins %I Project EUREKA-SOUR, Olivetti Ricerca/INESC-Braga %U http://www.di.uminho.pt/ jfc/research/techrep/CamposM94a/jfc-94-01.html %X

This report puts forward a software architecture aimed at providing tecnological support for User Interface design in the framework of a rigorous methodology for Interactive Systems development. Starting from the formal specification of the application layer, the methodology aims at the systematic development of the interactive system, with the main goal of creating high quality interfaces with a high degree of assistance to the user, error preventing features and contextual sensitivity. The proposed system, GAMA-X, offers an architecture for the systematic and semi-automatic development of this kind of interface, including tools that support the various steps of development. The architecture of the GAMA-X system is presented, with a special focus on the modules more closely related with the User Interface, as well as the description of a specification language for the Dialogue Controller. Some aspects about the communication between modules and about the presentation layer are also discussed.