%0 Conference Paper %B Interactive Systems: Design, Specification and Verification - DSV-IS %D 2003 %T Using task knowledge to guide interactor specifications analysis %A José Creissac Campos %E J. Jorge %E N. Nunes %E J. Falcão e Cunha %C Funchal, Portugal %I Springer-Verlag %P 171-186 %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 2844 %X

This paper looks at how to extend the type of analysis that can be done using interactor based models of interactive systems, the i2smv tool, and SMV. Originally, the type of analysis performed with i2smv/SMV was concerned with the exhaustive exploration of all possible behaviours of a device, with little direct consideration of the tasks it should support. The paper investigates how task models can be introduced into the approach in order to extend the range of properties that can be analysed.

%8 June %> https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/jccampos/files/29.pdf