@mastersthesis {Campos99, title = {Automated Deduction and Usability Reasoning}, year = {1999}, school = {Department of Computer Science, University of York}, type = {PhD Thesis}, address = {Heslington, York}, abstract = {

Reasoning about the usability of a given interactive system{\textquoteright}s design is a difficult task. However it is one task that must be performed if downstream costs with extensive redesign are to be avoided. Traditional usability testing alone cannot avoid these costs since it too often is performed late in development life cycle. In recent years approaches have been put forward that attempt to reason about the usability of a design from early in development. Mainstream approaches are based on some kind of (more or less structured) inspection of a design by usability experts. This type of approach breaks down for systems with large and complex user interfaces, and again extensive testing is required. In an attempt to deal with these issues there have been attempts to apply software engineering reasoning tools to the development of interactive systems. The article reviews this work and puts forward some ideas for the future.

}, attachments = {https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/jccampos/files/ycst-2000-09_0.pdf}, author = {Jos{\'e} Creissac Campos} }