@article {BarbosaBC:07, title = {Towards a coordination model for interactive systems}, journal = {Electronic Notes in Theorectical Computer Science}, number = {183: Proceedings of the First International Workshop in Formal Methods for Interactive Systems (FMIS 2006)}, year = {2007}, pages = {73-88}, publisher = {Springer}, abstract = {

When modelling complex interactive systems, traditional interactor-based approaches suffer from lack of expressiveness regarding the composition of the different interactors present in the user interface model into a coherent system. In this paper we investigate an alternative approach to the composition of interactors for the specification of complex interactive systems which is based on the coordination paradigm. We layout the fundations for the work and present an illustrative example. Lines for future work are identified.

}, attachments = {https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/jccampos/files/bbc06_lsb.pdf}, author = {Luis Soares Barbosa and Jos{\'e} Creissac Campos}, editor = {Ant{\'o}nio Cerone and Paul Curzon} }