@conference {conf/vl/CunhaFMMS12, title = {Extension and Implementation of ClassSheet Models}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing - VL/HCC}, series = {VLHCC {\textquoteright}12}, year = {2012}, month = {September}, pages = {19{\textendash}22}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, organization = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Innsbruck, Austria}, abstract = {

In this paper we explore the use of models in the context of spreadsheet engineering. We review a successful spreadsheet modeling language, whose semantics we further extend. With this extension we bring spreadsheet models closer to the business models of spreadsheets themselves. An addon for a widely used spreadsheet system, providing bidirectional model-driven spreadsheet development, was also improved to include the proposed model extension.

}, keywords = {Bidirectional Software Evolution, Embedded Domain-Specific Languages, Model-Driven Engineering, Spreadsheets}, attachments = {https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/jacome/files/vlhcc12.pdf}, author = {J{\'a}come Cunha and Jo{\~a}o Paulo Fernandes and Jorge Mendes and Jo{\~a}o Alexandre Saraiva} }