
I am an Invited Assistant Professor at University of Minho and external researcher at the HASLab - High Assurance Lab. at University of Minho and INESC TEC. My research interests are distributed systems, cloud computing, large scale data management and gossip-based protocols.

I obtained a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Universities of Minho, Aveiro and Porto (MAP-i Doctoral Program in Computer Science) in 2015 advised by Professor Rui Oliveira. My Ph.D work was focused on DataFlasks, a inherently scalable and resilient data store specifically designed for very large scale systems. Designed entirely based on unstructured gossip-based protocols, it is able to cope with very high levels of churn and faults.
I am now interested in how Dataflasks can be enriched in order to provide stronger guarantees while maintaining its scalability properties.
An updated list of my publications may be found here.