%0 Conference Paper %B Proceedings of the 26th international conference on Distributed Computing - ICDCS %D 2012 %T Brief announcement: Semantics of eventually consistent replicated sets %A Carlos Baquero Moreno %A Annette Bieniusa %A Marek Zawirsky %A Nuno Preguiça %A Marc Shapiro %A Valter Balegas %A Sérgio Duarte %C Salvador, Brazil %I Springer-Verlag %P 441–442 %V 7611 %X

This paper studies the semantics of sets under eventual consistency. The set is a pervasive data type, used either directly or as a component of more complex data types, such as maps or graphs. Eventual consistency of replicated data supports concurrent updates, reduces latency and improves fault tolerance, but forgoes strong consistency (e.g., linearisability). Accordingly, several cloud computing platforms implement eventually-consistent replicated sets [2,4].

%8 October %> https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/cbm/files/semantics-sets-ba-disc-2012_1.pdf