%0 Report %D 2004 %T B Trees on P2P: Providing content indexing over DHT overlays %A Carlos Baquero Moreno %A Nuno Lopes %C Braga, Portugal %I HASLab/INESC TEC & University of Minho %P 1-5 %X

The ability to search by content has been at the core of P2P data sharing systems and is a fundamental tool in the modern Web. However, currently deployed P2P search technology still suffers from either excessive centralization, abuse of network resources or low accuracy.
Efcient overlay structuring systems, like distributed hash tables (DHTs), provide adequate solutions to content location as long as unique identiers are used. They cannot, however, directly support search without negative impacts on the load balance of data distribution among peer nodes. We will show that DHTs can be used as a base for efcient content indexing by building a BTree structure that coordinates the use of homogeneous size blocks,
compatible with the DHT load balance assumptions. The remaining of the paper is dedicated
to a discussion of some of the issues, problems and possible solutions, that need to considered when building complex data structures on top of a peer-to-peer DHT layer.

%> https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/cbm/files/btp2p-techrep_2.pdf