%0 Conference Paper %B The 11th International Workshop on. Large-Scale and Distributed Systems - LSDS-IR %D 2007 %T Taming hot-spots in dht inverted indexes %A Nuno Lopes %A Carlos Baquero Moreno %C Amsterdam, The Netherlands %I Citeseer %V 7 %X

DHT systems are structured overlay networks capable of using
P2P resources as a scalable platform for very large data storage
applications. However, their efficiency expects a level of uni-
formity in the association of data to index keys that is often
not present in inverted indexes. Index data tends to follow non-
uniform distributions, often power law distributions, creating in-
tense local storage hotspots and network bottlenecks on specific
hosts. Current techniques like caching cannot, alone, cope with
this issue.
We propose a new distributed data structure based on a decen-
tralized balanced tree to balance storage data and network load
more uniformly across all hosts. The approach is stackable with
standard DHTs and ensures that the DHT storage subsystem re-
ceives an uniform load by assigning fixed sized, or low variance,

%8 February %> https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/cbm/files/acmlsdsir07.pdf