@conference {shokerBFTLDAP, title = {Towards Byzantine Resilient Directories}, booktitle = {The 11th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications - NCA}, series = {NCA{\textquoteright}12}, year = {2012}, month = {August}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, organization = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Cambridge, MA, USA}, abstract = {

Notable Byzantine Fault Tolerant protocols have been designed so far. These protocols are often evaluated on simple benchmarks, and few times on NFS systems. On the contrary, studies that addressed the behaviour of BFT on large back-ends, like Directories, are rare. We believe that studying such systems is crucial for practice community due to their popularity. In this paper, we integrate BFT with OpenLDAP Directory. We introduce the design of the integrated system, that we call BFT-LDAP. Then, we study its behaviour accompanied with some useful observations. In addition, we discuss the cost overhead of this integration. Our approach ensures that OpenLDAP legacy code remains completely intact, and that the integration with BFT is straightforward using APIs. Moreover, we convey that the additional performance cost of BFT-LDAP is negligible as compared to that of stand-alone OpenLDAP. We conducted our experiments on Emulab. The experiments indicate that the performance discrepancy of BFT-LDAP is negligible whenever different state-of-the-art BFT protocols are used. Other experiments demonstrate that a little sacrifice in throughput (less than 10\%) is needed in order to leverage the resiliency of OpenLDAP against Byzantine faults (i.e., through applying BFT).

}, attachments = {https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/ashoker/files/shokerbftldap.pdf}, author = {Ali Shoker and Jean-Paul Bahsoun} }