@article {shokerBFT3DecadesTR, title = {BFT for Three Decades, Yet Not Enough!}, number = {IRIT/RR{\textendash}2012-7{\textendash}FR}, year = {2009}, month = {December}, pages = {1-6}, institution = {University of Toulouse III, IRIT Lab.}, address = {Toulouse, France}, abstract = {

Distributed systems are established to maintain safety and liveness while attending good performance. Nowadays, Byzantine Failures are considered the most critical threat for system{\textquoteright}s safety. Various BFT protocols were found through the history; however, none has been adopted yet. The reason perhaps originates from the fact that Byzantine Fault Tolerance issue is hard by nature; add to this the complications underlying BFT protocols implementation. This paper represents a general overview on Byzantine Fault Tolerance, its evolution, and difficulties disturbing its realization. First, we introduce the subject by defining replication, its importance and some problems; then we describe in brief the basic BFT protocols reporting some comparisons. Then we expose some problems that BFT protocols implementations are facing and we give a solution proposed by Guerraoui et al.; finally, we summarize our paper and conclude.

}, issn = {IRIT/RR{\textendash}2012-7{\textendash}FR}, attachments = {https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/ashoker/files/shokerbft3decadestr.pdf}, author = {Ali Shoker and Jean-Paul Bahsoun} }