@conference {1607, title = {Integration of SIP protocol in android media framework}, booktitle = {International Conference on Computer as a Tool - EUROCON}, year = {2011}, month = {April}, publisher = {IEEE}, organization = {IEEE}, address = {Lisbon, Portugal}, abstract = {

The transmission of multimedia content between mobile devices is increasingly an area of exploration. The evolution of mobile devices and networks that support them, provide potential to create more sophisticated and innovating services. The fact that the Android platform does not provide the SIP protocol in its architecture, is a limiting factor for the development of new streaming applications. Throughout this paper the Android platform is presented, and more specifically the streaming protocols supported by the current streaming Media Framework. Based on the current Android Media Framework, this paper presents a possible architecture for the integration of the SIP protocol. The integration of this architecture is to surpass the limitations of the current Android platform and promote an improved performance in the current SIP applications, which is reflected in a lower power consumption of the device.

}, url = { }, author = {Ant{\'o}nio Nestor Ribeiro and Andr{\'e} Barbosa and Jo{\~a}o Gon{\c c}alves and Ant{\'o}nio Costa} }