%0 Conference Paper %B Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Multi-agent Systems - AAMAS %D 1998 %T A Game-theoretic Approach to the Socialization of Utility-based Agents %A Alcino Cunha %A José Neves %C Paris, France %I IEEE Press %P 413–414 %U http://www3.di.uminho.pt/~mac/Publications/icmas98.ps %V 1 %X

This paper presents a formal framework in which to study the socialization processes evolving among utility-based agents. These agents are self-interested, being their different social attitudes (cooperativeness, competitiveness or indifference) a consequence of this behavior. The dynamics of the socialization process are captured by a relation that measures the similarities between the desires of two groups of agents. This similitude relation is derived from the system's model, defined as a probabilistic transition system and a set of individual preference relations. Game-theoretic concepts are used in order to determine the rational(or expected) transitions of the system.

%8 July %> https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/alcino/files/icmas98.pdf