@conference {CunhaPintoProenca:06a, title = {A Framework for Point-free Program Transformation}, booktitle = {Selected Papers of the 17th International Workshop on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages - IFL}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {4015}, year = {2006}, month = {September }, pages = {1{\textendash}18}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, organization = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {Dublin, Ireland}, abstract = {

The subject of this paper is functional program transformation in the so-called point-free style. By this we mean first translating programs to a form consisting only of categorically-inspired combinators, algebraic data types defined as fixed points of functors, and implicit recursion through the use of type-parameterized recursion patterns. This form is appropriate for reasoning about programs equationally, but difficult to actually use in practice for programming. In this paper we present a collection of libraries and tools developed at Minho with the aim of supporting the automatic conversion of programs to point-free (embedded in Haskell), their manipulation and rule-driven simplification, and the (limited) automatic application of fusion for program transformation.

}, attachments = {https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/alcino/files/frapfpt.pdf}, author = {Alcino Cunha and Jorge Sousa Pinto and Jos{\'e} Proen{\c c}a}, editor = {A. Butterfield and C. Grelck and F. Huch} }