@conference {MacedoGC:13, title = {Model Repair and Transformation with Echo}, booktitle = {28th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering - ASE}, volume = {6138}, year = {2013}, month = {November }, pages = {694{\textendash}697}, publisher = {IEEE}, organization = {IEEE}, address = {Silicon Valley, California}, abstract = {

Models are paramount in model-driven engineering. In a software project many models may coexist, capturing different views of the system or different levels of abstraction. A key and arduous task in this development method is to keep all such models consistent, both with their meta-models (and the respective constraints) and among themselves. This paper describes Echo, a tool that aims at simplifying this task by automating inconsistency detection and repair using a solver based engine. Consistency between different models can be specified by bidirectional model transformations, and is guaranteed to be recovered by minimal updates on the inconsistent models. The tool is freely available as an Eclipse plugin, developed on top of the popular EMF framework, and supports constraints and transformations specified in the OMG standard languages OCL and QVT-R, respectively.

}, attachments = {https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/alcino/files/ase13.pdf}, author = {Alcino Cunha and Nuno Macedo and Tiago Guimar{\~a}es} }