Workshop on General Artificial Intelligence 

The General Artificial Intelligence (GAI) workshop intends to promote uncovered areas by the remaining workshops, bringing space to the presentation and discussion of theoretical, foundational and application works.

Topics of Interest

The topics of interest should not be limited to:

- Art and Music
- Automated Reasoning
- Case-Based Reasoning
- Cognitive Modelling
- Hybrid systems
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Logic Programming
- Machine Learning
- Mathematical Foundations
- Model-Based Reasoning
- Natural Language Processing
- Perception/Vision
- Philosophical Foundations
- Planning and Scheduling
- Uncertainty

Organising Committee

José Maia Neves (PT)
Manuel Filipe Santos (PT)
José Manuel Machado (PT)  

Program Committee

Amílcar Cardoso (University of Coimbra, PT)
Ana Maria Figueiredo (ISEP/IPP, PT)
Anália Lourenço (University of Minho, PT)
António Abelha (University of Minho, PT)
António Porto (New University of Lisbon, PT)
Arlindo Oliveira (Technical University of Lisbon, PT)
Benedita Malheiro (ISEP/IPP, PT)
Carlos Bento (University of Coimbra, PT)
Carlos Ramos (Polytechnic Institute of Porto, PT)
Cesar Analide (University of Minho, PT)
Ernesto Jorge Costa (University of Coimbra, PT)
Ernesto Morgado (Technical University of Lisbon, PT)
Eugénio Oliveira (University of Porto, PT)
Fernando Mouta (ISEP/IPP, PT)
Gabriel Pereira Lopes (New University of Lisbon, PT)
Gaël Dias (University of Beira Interior, PT)
Hélder Coelho (University of Lisbon, PT)
Inês Dutra (UFRJ, BR)
João Balsa (University of Lisbon, PT)
João Gama (LIACC, PT)
João Leite (New University of Lisbon, PT)
João Pavão Martins (Technical University of Lisbon, PT)
José Alferes (New University of Lisbon, PT)
José Manuel Machado (University of Minho, PT) 
José Maia Neves (University of Minho, PT)
Juan Corchado (University of Salamanca, ES)
Luís Antunes (University of Lisbon, PT)
Luís Camarinha-Matos (New University of Lisbon, PT)
Luís Correia (University of Lisbon, PT)
Luís Damas (University of Porto, PT)
Luís Moniz (University of Lisbon, PT)
Luís Moniz Pereira (New University of Lisbon, PT)
Manuel Delgado (University of Santiago de Compostela, ES)
Manuel Filipe Santos (University of Minho, PT)
Maria João Viamonte (ISEP/IPP, PT)
Miguel Filgueiras (University of Porto, PT)
Miguel Rocha (University of Minho, PT)
Nuno Silva (ISEP/IPP, PT)
Pavel Brazdil (University of Porto, PT)
Paulo Cortez (University of Minho, PT)
Paulo Novais (University of Minho, PT)
Pedro Barahona (New University of Lisbon, PT)
Pedro Henriques (University of Minho, PT)
Rosa Vicari (UFRGS, BR)
Pedro Henriques (University of Minho, PT)
Rui Mendes (University of Minho, PT)
Salvador Abreu (University of Évora, PT)
Tim Kovacs (University of Bristol, UK)
Victor Alves (University of Minho, PT)
Yonghong Peng (Bradford University, UK)
Zita Vale (ISEP/IPP, PT)