2nd Workshop on Building and Applying Ontologies for the Semantic Web

Ontologies have been developed by different groups, using different approaches, methods and techniques. One of the building blocks of the future Semantic Web are ontologies.

Since the Semantic Web will be distributed and heterogeneous, it will require finding relationships between concepts belonging to different ontologies to allow semantic interoperability and information integration.

The wide application of ontologies in different areas brings challenges with respect to new technologies and methodologies to help the users from different research areas to build and use ontologies in their applications.

Topics of Interest

Ontology Engineering:

- methodologies
- capture and learning
- evaluation
- management
- evolution

Semantic Interoperability

- composition and modularity
- combining, merging, mapping and alignment
- translating and transforming
- ontology language interoperability 

Ontologies for Information Sharing

- ontology-based Information integration
- mediators and brokers
- agents and ontologies 

Ontology Applications

- semantic web
- knowledge management
- e-commerce, e-government, e-learning and e-science
- information retrieval
- p2p networks
- web services annotation 


Ontologies promise a shared and common understanding of a domain that can be communicated between people and application systems. Therefore, they have emerged as an important research area since the 1990’s. Ontologies are used for different purposes (natural language processing, e-commerce, e-learning, knowledge management, semantic web, information retrieval, etc) by different research communities (knowledge engineering, database, software engineering, etc).

The emergence of the Semantic Web has marked another stage in the evolution of the ontology field. According to Berners-Lee, the Semantic Web is an extension of the current Web in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation. This cooperation can be achieved by using shared knowledge-components. Therefore ontologies have become a key instrument in developing the Semantic Web. They interweave human understanding of symbols with their machine processability.

This workshop addresses the problems of building and applying ontologies in the Semantic Web and other areas listed below, as well as the theoretical and practical challenges arising from these applications. We invite contributions to enhance the state-of-the-art of creating, managing and using ontologies.

Organising Committee

H. Sofia Pinto(INESC-ID/IST), < Este endereço de email está protegido contra spam bots, pelo que o Javascript terá de estar activado para poder visualizar o endereço de email >

Andreia Malucelli (PUCPR/LIACC), < Este endereço de email está protegido contra spam bots, pelo que o Javascript terá de estar activado para poder visualizar o endereço de email >

Fred Freitas (UFPE), < Este endereço de email está protegido contra spam bots, pelo que o Javascript terá de estar activado para poder visualizar o endereço de email >

Philipp Cimiano, (AIFB), < Este endereço de email está protegido contra spam bots, pelo que o Javascript terá de estar activado para poder visualizar o endereço de email >

Program Committee

Aldo Gangemi - CNR-Rome, Italy
Boris Motik - Manchester University, UK
Christoph Tempich - Deutsche Telecom, Germany
Christopher Brewster - University of Sheffield, UK
Daniel Oberle - SAP, Germany
Elena Simperl - DERI Innsbruck
Eugenio Oliveira - Faculdade de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal
Harith Alani - University of Southampton, UK
Jorge Santos - ISEP, Portugal
José Iria - University of Sheffield, UK
Klaas Dellschaft - Koblenz University, Germany
Leo Obrst - The MITRE Corporation
Ljiljana Stojanovic - FZI, Germany
Luis Camarinha-Matos - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Maria Vargas-Vera - InterCollege Larnaca, Cyprus
Mariano Fernandez Lopez - Universidad San Pablo, Spain
Marko Grobelnik - JSI, Eslovenia
Michel Klein - Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Nuno Silva - ISEP, Portugal
Orcar Corcho - Manchester University, UK
Paulo Gomes - University of Coimbra, Portugal
Raphael Volz - FZI, Germany
Siegfried Handschuh - DERI Ireland, Ireland
Stefano Borgo - CNR-Trento, Italy
Virginia Dignum - Utrecht University, Netherlands
Vojtech Svatek - University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic
Yin Ding - DERI Innsbruck, Austria
York Sure - Karlsruhe University, Germany