Poster Papers

ECAI 2010Authors of short ECAI papers will have the opportunity to present their work in the poster session at ECAI. Below are some guidelines on the presentation of posters.

      • At least one author of every short paper should register for the conference.
      • The poster session will be held on the afternoon of Thursday 19th August.
      • Maximum poster size is A0 portrait (841mm × 1189mm), (ie, 33.1 in × 46.8 in).
      • Participants don't need to bring materials for mounting. There will be some boards on which you can mount your posters, and materials for fixing posters to boards will be provided.
      • Posters should be removed immediately after the poster session.
      • We recommend that authors practice a short 5-7 minute summary talk they can periodically give to any assembled visitors. A representative from the author team should remain by the poster board during the entire session to answer questions and clarify statements. The session should be used as an opportunity to introduce and discuss work, and give attendees an opportunity to ask questions, so your presence is essential. If you would like to keep your poster material, please be sure to retrieve it promptly at the end of the session. Otherwise, it will be discarded.
      • Advice on Scientific Poster design can be found at: