Plenary Speakers

The ECAI 2010 programme will include plenary talks from internationally leading researchers in AI and cognate disciplines. Plenary speakers so far confirmed include:

Ian Horrocks

Ian Horrocks, Oxford University, UK

OWL: a Reasonable Ontology Language?

Tuesday, 17th August, 2010, Room 3.2.14

Manuela Veloso

Manuela Veloso, CMU, USA

Autonomous Mobile Robots Coexisting with Humans in Indoor Environments

Wednesday, 18th August, 2010, Room 3.2.14


Toby Walsh, NICTA and UNSW, Australia

Symmetry in Combinatorial Search

Thursday, 19th August, 2010, Room 3.2.14

Christos Papadimitriou

Christos Papadimitriou, UC Berkeley, USA

Computing Nash equilibria: The plot thickens

Friday, 20th August, 2010, Room 3.2.14