ECAI Call for Papers

ImageThe ECAI 2010 Programme Committee invites the submission of papers and posters for the technical programme of the nineteenth biennial European Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

(Download the ECAI 2010 Call for Papers as a text file.)

Topics of Interest

High-quality original submissions are welcome from all areas of contemporary AI; the following list of topics is indicative only.

  • Agents & Multiagent Systems
  • Case-Based Reasoning
  • Cognitive Modeling & Interaction
  • Constraints & Search
  • Knowledge Representation & Reasoning
  • Machine Learning
  • Model-Based Reasoning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Perception & Sensing
  • Planning & Scheduling
  • Robotics
  • Uncertainty in AI
  • Applications of AI

An extensive list of subtopics is available under Topics of Interest option above.

Important Dates

Deadline for electronic abstracts Monday, 15 February 2010
Paper submission deadline Monday, 22 February 2010
Author response period
  15-16 April 2010
Notification of acceptance/rejection Friday,
30 April 2010
Conference   16-20 August 2010

We will stop accepting new abstracts after midnight Hawaii time
at the end of Monday 15 Feb.
We will stop accepting uploaded papers after midnight Hawaii time
at the end of Monday 22 Feb.

Paper Formatting & Submission Information

Submissions for ECAI and PAIS must not exceed SIX (6) pages in camera-ready format. Over-length submissions will be rejected without review. Papers for ECAI and PAIS should be submitted using the ECAI formatting style; details of the style are available at:

This file unpacks to a directory "ecai2010", and contains LaTeX and other style files. The file "ecai2010.tex" is an example paper in LaTeX format using the appropriate styles, and can be used as a template for ECAI and PAIS submissions.

Each accepted paper will be allocated SIX (6) pages in the proceedings. ECAI 2010 also accepts posters. Each poster will have TWO (2) pages allocated in the proceedings. Posters must follow the same formatting guidelines as full papers. Authors may indicate whether they want a submitted full paper to be considered as well as a submitted poster in case of non-acceptance of the full paper.

Reviewing for ECAI 2010 will be blind: reviewers will not be presented with the identity of paper authors. To allow for blind review, author names in a submitted paper or poster should be replaced by the unique tracking number assigned by the conference website at the submission of an electronic abstract. Authors should avoid writing anything that makes their identity obvious in the text.

Submissions should be original, and in particular should not previously have been formally published. (Any publication venue with an ISBN or ISSN number counts as a formal publication; this includes LNCS/LNAI volumes, for example.) Submissions should not be submitted elsewhere during the ECAI 2010 review phase.

The proceedings of the ECAI conference, together with those of its associated symposia, PAIS and STAIRS, will be published and distributed by IOS Press as a book and as a CD-ROM. The authors will be responsible for producing camera-ready copies of papers, conforming to the ECAI 2010 formatting guidelines for inclusion in the proceedings. At least one author of each accepted paper or poster is required to attend the conference to present the contribution.

Submission and review of papers for ECAI 2010 will be managed via the ConfMaster system: -- for the ECAI main conference -- for the PAIS conference

ConfMaster will go live for ECAI and PAIS abstracts and submissions on Friday 15 January 2010. Prior to this date, the sites will be used for configuration and testing. All data uploaded or registered before this date will be deleted and will not be considered for the conference. Do NOT register or upload papers before 15 January 2010!

Submission for ECAI/PAIS 2010 is a two stage process:

  • The abstracts of all papers for submission should be registered with the relevant ECAI or PAIS web server no later than Monday 15 February 2010.
  • Papers should then be uploaded in PDF format no later than Monday 22 February 2010.

All submissions will be subject to peer review by the ECAI 2010 Programme Committee, and evaluated on the basis of: relevance; significance of contribution; technical quality; scholarship; and quality of presentation.

The primary authors of submitted papers will be offered the opportunity to respond to the reviews for their papers before the final decision on acceptance or otherwise is made. The author feedback phase will last two days, between 15-16 April 2010.