Local information

Here you may find some useful links to information about Lisbon and its surroundings.

360º Portugal   

Site with fantastic panoramic and spherical photos, about most interesting Lisbon places and monuments.

Here you may also find spherical photos from all other major cities from Portugal, like Oporto, the second largest city, and Guimarães, the Cradle of the Nation.

Factor Lisboa 

Site with information about events, cultural, artistic and others, news and many photos and videos about Lisbon.


Site with touristic information, raging from history to "how to get there" instructions, from gastronomy to cultural events, from accomodation to transportation.

Strawberry World - Lisbon

Site with touristic information, such as hotels and other accomodation, local weather information, travel services, maps, places to see, and many other interesting news.