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Workshops List


Tutorial Speakers PDF Print E-mail

ECAI 2010 will include a programme of masterclass tutorials from leading researchers in AI; these tutorials will be free to all ECAI/PAIS/STAIRS delegates.

Sarit Kraus

Sarit Kraus, Bar Ilan University, Israel

T1 :: Automated negotiation

Monday all day, 16th August, 2010, Room 6.2.53


Joao Marques-Silva, University College Dublin, Ireland

T3 :: Boolean Satisfiability & Optimization Algorithms & Applications

Monday morning, 16th August, 2010, Room 6.1.36


Paul E. Dunne, University of Liverpool, UK

T6 :: Argumentation in AI

Monday afternoon, 16th August, 2010, Room 6.1.36


Rina Dechter, University of California, USA
Robert Mateescu, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK
Radu Marinescu , University College Cork, Ireland

T4 :: Advances in Search and Inference for Graphical Models

Tuesday morning, 17th August, 2010, Room 6.1.36


Ulle Endriss, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

T5 :: Computational Social Choice

Tuesday morning, 17th August, 2010, Room 6.2.53

Ilkka Niemelä

Ilkka Niemelä, Aalto University, Finland

T2 :: Answer set programming

Tuesday afternoon, 17th August, 2010, Room 6.2.53