###################################################################### ## PAIS-2010 ## Call for Papers ## PAIS-2010 ## ###################################################################### The Sixth Conference on Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems 16-20 August 2010 ## Lisbon, Portugal http://ecai2010.appia.pt/ Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 February 2010 Deadline for submission of full papers: 22 February 2010 ###################################################################### ## INTRODUCTION ## ###################################################################### The PAIS 2010 Program Committee invites papers describing innovative applications of AI techniques to real-world systems and problems for the Technical Program of the 6th International Conference on the Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems - a sub-conference of the 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2010). Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a central topic in contemporary computer science and informatics. The fruits of fifty years of AI research have benefited application domains as disparate as industrial systems control and medicine. The milestone events in AI research are increasingly regarded as milestones in human scientific and technological development: from the first chess playing program to defeat a reigning world champion under standard chess tournament rules, to the first robot to autonomously traverse 150 miles of rough terrain. Techniques, results, and concepts developed under the banner of AI research have proved to be of fundamental importance in areas such as economics, philosophy, linguistics, psychology, and logical analysis. And of course, AI remains a topic of perennial fascination in popular culture. Papers highlighting all aspects of the application of intelligent system technology are most welcome. Our aim is to provide a forum for academic and industrial researchers and practitioners to share experience and insights on the applicability, development and deployment of intelligent systems. PAIS is the largest showcase in Europe of real applications using AI technology and the ideal place to meet with those working to make successful applications. PAIS-2010/ECAI-2010 will be held in the beautiful and historic city of Lisbon, Portugal. With excellent opportunities for sightseeing and gastronomy, Lisbon promises to be a wonderful venue for a memorable conference. ###################################################################### ## TOPICS OF INTEREST ## ###################################################################### Papers are welcome on all novel and significant applications of intelligent systems -- the following list of application areas is indicative only: * AI & Autonomous Vehicles * AI & Education * AI & Life Sciences/Medicine * AI & Mobile IT * AI & the Internet * AI & the Semantic Web * AI & Sensor Networks ###################################################################### ## IMPORTANT DATES ## ###################################################################### Deadline for electronic abstracts: Monday, 15 February 2010 Paper submission deadline: Monday, 22 February 2010 Author response period: 15-16 April 2010 Notification of acceptance/rejection: Friday, 30 April 2010 Conference: 16-20 August 2010 ###################################################################### ## SUBMISSION INFORMATION ## ###################################################################### Submissions must not exceed *SIX* (6) pages in camera-ready format. Over-length submissions will be rejected without review. Papers should be submitted using the ECAI formatting style, to be available soon on the conference website (this will be very close to previous ECAI styles). Each accepted paper will be allocated six pages in the proceedings. All submissions will be subject to peer review by the PAIS-2010 Programme Committee, and evaluated on the basis of: relevance; significance of contribution; technical quality; scholarship; and quality of presentation. Reviewing for PAIS-2010 will be blind: reviewers will not be presented with the identity of paper authors. To allow for blind review, author names in a submitted paper or poster should be replaced by the unique tracking number assigned by the conference website at the submission of an electronic abstract. Authors should avoid writing anything that makes their identity obvious in the text. Submissions should be original, and in particular should not previously have been formally published. (As a rule of thumb, any publication venue with an ISBN or ISSN number counts as a formal publication.) Submissions should not be submitted elsewhere during the PAIS-2010 review phase. The primary authors of submitted papers will be offered the opportunity to respond to the reviews for their papers before the final decision on acceptance or otherwise is made. The author feedback phase will last two days. The proceedings of the PAIS conference, together with those of its associated symposia, ECAI and STAIRS, will be published and distributed by IOS Press as a book and as a CD-ROM. The authors will be responsible for producing camera-ready copies of papers, conforming to the ECAI-2010 formatting guidelines for inclusion in the proceedings. At least one author of each accepted paper or poster is required to attend the conference to present the contribution. ###################################################################### ## ORGANISATION ## ###################################################################### PAIS Conference Chair: Rudi Studer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology [KIT], Germany) mailto:rudi.studer@kit.edu Local Organisation co-chairs: Luis Antunes (University of Lisbon & APPIA, Portugal) João Balsa (University of Lisbon, Portugal) ###################################################################### ## PROGRAM COMMITTEE ## ###################################################################### Rudi Studer (KIT, Germany) Stuart Aitken (University of Glasgow, Edinburgh, UK) Juergen Angele (Ontoprise, Germany) Anupriya Ankolekar (HP Labs, Palo Alto, USA) Richard Benjamins (Telefonica, Spain) Ansgar Bernardi (DFKI Kaiserslautern, Germany) Joost Breuker (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands) Henrik Christensen (GaTech, USA) Emilio Corchado (University of Burgos, Spain) John Davies (BT Innovate, UK) Rüdiger Dillmann (KIT, Germany) Asuman Dogac (METU Ankara , Turkey) Opher Etzion (IBM Research Haifa, Isreal) Mark Greaves (Vulcan, Inc. USA) Manfred Hauswirth (DERI Galway, Ireland) Tom Henderson (University of Utah, USA) Matthias Klusch (DFKI Saarbrücken, Germany) Ann Macintosh (University of Leeds, UK) Gregoris Mentzas (National Technical University of Athens, Greece) Riichiro Mizoguchi (Osaka University, Japan) Daniel Schwabe (PUC Rio, Brazil) Amit Sheth (Wright State University, USA) Biplav Srivastava (IBM Research New Delhi, India) Nenad Stojanovic (FZI, Germany) Klaus Tochtermann (Technical University Graz, Austria) Ubbo Visser (University of Miami, USA) Aldo von Wangenheim (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil) Ian Watson (University of Auckland, New Zealand ) Stefan Wermter (University of Sunderland, UK) Yong Yu (APEX-lab, China) ######################################################################